I wanna be your idea of beautiful. When you are a girl && you are in Love, it's always the same big shit, the fear of not being got enough. The fear that he might find a girl, who's better than you. Prettier than you, skinnier than you, better in school than you, or anything else. Even when you are together with the guy of your dreams, this fear isn't away. Maybe this fear is stronger than anything else. Stronger than the Loveto him, because you think that you're not good enough for him. But remeber, that you are his girl, remember that you are the only one for him, the prettiest and best. You're the one he want to get married with, and the one he thinks about before he fall asleep. No girl is better than you, no matter how pretty, rich, talented or anything else she is, you are his girl, && there's a reason for his decision to be with you, remember that.
Dienstag, 28. Februar 2012
If you want to be together with her, you have to-get-her ;)♥
I wanna be your idea of beautiful. When you are a girl && you are in Love, it's always the same big shit, the fear of not being got enough. The fear that he might find a girl, who's better than you. Prettier than you, skinnier than you, better in school than you, or anything else. Even when you are together with the guy of your dreams, this fear isn't away. Maybe this fear is stronger than anything else. Stronger than the Loveto him, because you think that you're not good enough for him. But remeber, that you are his girl, remember that you are the only one for him, the prettiest and best. You're the one he want to get married with, and the one he thinks about before he fall asleep. No girl is better than you, no matter how pretty, rich, talented or anything else she is, you are his girl, && there's a reason for his decision to be with you, remember that.
So hold your head up high && say I don't care, because what hurts other people the most is seeing you happy && not worrying about a thing;)!♥
own hero♥
Here is the thing, life isn't easy. But said anyone that it would be? -No. They just said it would be worth it, and they are right. You are going to get hurt by people who you thought love you. You're going to try and be someone you are not when you are a truly amazing person just by being you, and you are going to fall in && out love, alot. This will all build up && up until one day something inside of you will trigger && you're just going to cry it all out. Don't be ashamed, be happy that you're getting it all out. You've been fighting for too long because you are a fighter! You will become happier with yourself. You will life a happy life by just being you and you will learn to love those who love you back && treat you with respect just for being you.
But remember- Life is too short wo wake up with regrets, so love the people who treat you right && forget about the ones who don't. &&' believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a Chance, -take it. If it changes your Life, -let it. Also remember to let the haters hate because someone have to do it;)!
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