Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2013

you really love him, don't you?

Isn't the same thing as always. Always means being with one person every minute of your life. Forever means that that one person knows you are there for her when she needs you, but you aren't always together. That's why I think forever sounds better than always.

Mittwoch, 26. Juni 2013

We stood there, looking at each other, saying nothing. but it was the kind of nothing, that meant everything.

If there is one thing I've learned in Life, it's to fight. Fight for what's right. Fight for what you believe in, whats important for you. But most importantly, fight for the ones you love and never forget to show them how much they mean to you while they're still alive.

Tell me the story about the sun who loved the moon so much he died every night to let her breath. But remember, they also found a way to meet and so at one point, or another we will find a way, too.
“The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that's what you give to me. That's what I hope to give you forever”-Nicholas Sparks

Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013

We might find a place in this world someday, but at least for now..We gotta go our own ways♥

No matter what we're doing. You always seem to make me smile and make me feel better. You and me forever is what it will always be. You and me. Forever. I will love you until the day I stop breathing. 
|if it's meant to be it will be|

"under the same sky, 
dreaming the same dream."

Montag, 24. Juni 2013

Maybe the two different worlds we lived in weren't so different. We saw the same sunset♥

"Sie war'n nicht zu trennen wie Herz und Verstand, Barbie und Ken.
Wollten immer beieinander bleibenallen Wellen trotzen
wie Pfähle im Meer, wie's halt so ist, wenn junge Herzen klopfen.[...]
Hatten sich viel versprochen, planten den Traualtar,
Weil dieses Paar für dieses Alter einfach traumhaft war.Doch wie gesagt, sie waren jung und längst noch nicht so weit.
Ihm fehlte die Erfahrung, ihr fehlte die Sicherheit.Sie war'n noch nicht so weit den weiten Weg zu zweit zu geh'n."
Geht eine Liebe zu Ende, weint einer. Weint keiner, war es nie richtige Liebe. Weinen beide, hat diese Liebe nie aufgehört.

Maybe, ...just maybe♥